Creation vs Consumption: You Guessed it...CREATE MORE THAN YOU CONSUME!

Creation is one of the crucial ways we process the chaos of the world. Maybe not literally, as in our work somehow answers the questions of the universe. But when we take that consecrated time to be alone in our studios we find our center. All of the consumption—the overload of stimuli and information that we are bombarded with each day—has a chance to unwind, release, and make its way out of our systems in a beautiful and meaningful way. 

It doesn’t really matter what you’re making. The actual appearance of your creation is nearly meaningless when compared to the healthy, nurturing, and healing effects of just making something.


I think a lot about the relationship between creation and consumption, and why it feels sooooo good to make things. I think creation might be the counter-curse (counter-spell perhaps? Harry Potter fans, feel free to weigh in) to the overwhelm of modern day consumption. And there is a LOT of consumption going on.

In fact, we are on a never-ending conveyer belt of consumption, whether we are conscious of it or not. We consume:

NOISE-music, radio, crowds, chatter, tv, kids. Always the kids…fighting, laughing, whining, questioning, or talking endlessly about video games or an episode of tv they watched.

IDEAS-podcasts, politics, books, classes, news, social media, religion, higher education.

IMAGES-television, movies, tiktok, art, advertisements, clutter, junk mail, billboards. We even get ads playing while we pump gas or sit on a toilet in public restrooms!

INFORMATION-tasks at work, random facts and life-hacks, to-do lists, doctor’s appointments, schedules and calendars, self help tips, cleaning tips, cooking tips, health tips, parenting tips, business tips, relationship tips, tips tips tips, and on and on and on.

It’s a LOT. And the stress of trying to keep up with it all takes a toll. It’s like a constant assault on the body and mind. While consumption occasionally leads to life-changing, significant wisdom, it more often leads to interruptions. Distractions. A false sense of accomplishment. And the feeling that there is always more to see, hear, do and learn. We have an unsettling feeling that there is something we are missing out on, something we should be acting on, and many things we are falling short on.

For me, all of this white noise comes in and gets stuck, like I’m packed full—a jumbled mess of crossed wires. My system is on overload and I’m trying to latch onto so many things at once, that I become incapable of latching onto anything at all.

I’m realizing that the solution is output. What goes in must come out. Isn’t that some kind of basic law…like what goes up must come down? For me, creation is the best way to sort through all of the input, make sense of it, and flush out all that is unwanted. Not in a conscious way, like journaling my thoughts (though I do that too!) But in more of a subconscious way, like while I paint, my hands are at work, my thoughts become meditative, and my mind is allowed to sort things out for herself. It just sort of happens.

I can’t tell you how many times I have been painting in the studio and started full-on sobbing. Alone at last, music on, finally allowing myself to process all of the build-up in my system. I feel the creative release, the uncrossing of the jumbled wires, the restoring of balance. Almost without effort, I feel clarity. I feel a renewed sense of strength to face the day.

You don’t have to be a painter to experience the benefits of creation. I would define creation as anything that requires your participation…your action, your intentionality. Processing and filtering the barrage of information inundating our senses can happen in many forms:

WRITING-letters, feelings, stories, poetry, lists, every random thought that comes to your mind! It’s all output!

TALKING-especially with someone who is really listening and creating emotional connection.

MOVEMENT-yoga, exercise, dance, jumping and rolling around. All forms of movement help release emotions and process the white noise.

MEDITATION-prayer, deep breathing, engaging with nature. Lying in the grass watching the clouds move while you breathe, seems like creation. Lying on the couch watching your 31st episode of back-to-back Friends reruns seems like consumption. (Though there’s a time and a place, amiright?)

It’s all output. It’s all creation. Playing at the park, making music, hiking, knitting, cooking, kickboxing. These are all forms of much needed output. And the mental and physical benefits are so surprising.


The tricky thing about this whole process is that consumption mostly comes automatically and continuously, but creation takes intentional effort on our part. It’s up to us to make space in our lives for creation. CREATE AS MUCH AS YOU CONSUME! Create more than you consume if possible. It will do wonders for your soul. I’m no scientific expert, but I have absolutely felt the truth of this in my bones.

Do you feel this? Try paying attention to your body. How do you feel when you are over-consuming? How do you feel when you are creating? What do you want to feel more of?

Sending love, and more creation,


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