There is Art After Motherhood

A warm welcome to all creatives, mothers, and creative mothers…I know you are busy. I know you are tired. But I also know that you are inspired.


You are full of beauty, creativity, playfulness, and joy. You probably know this too. If only you had two minutes and two brain cells to put together, maybe you could find that seemingly distant version of yourself.

On my creative journey through art and motherhood, I found that two minutes and two brain cells can be just enough to keep you in the creative game! I went from being an exhausted empty shell, swallowed whole by motherhood, to a thriving artist and more intentional, wholehearted mother. Not because I got a studio downtown and spent eight hours a day painting masterpieces. I simply made the most of my little windows of time, right here at my own kitchen table. And so can you.

This is a space to share my journey, my insights, and my best tips for making and mothering. Let’s come together, build each other up, and share personal experiences on our ever-so personal, yet incredibly universal journey of making art after motherhood.

Sending Love,
